Turn off automatically generate related articles global
Michael Scholze
Agreed, should be opt-in by default and part of AI settings.
Ivanna Parra
We should add this as a setting option in the AI Settings section, so users have the ability to turn it off or on globally.
Caleb Scharf
Autogenerate doesn't generate quality related articles for us and we want it to be turned off by default. Users always forget.
Microworks Support
We submitted pretty much the same request previously. This would be a great enhancement as all the saves 1 minute apart make the version history practically useless. https://helpjuice.canny.io/feature-requests/p/slow-down-autosave
Glenn Durham
I agree, the automatic generation of articles does not work. So, to require EVERY person who writes an article to turn this off manually is a non-starter. We need this turned off globally so that we allow authors to add articles manually if they want them.
Reseller Test
Agree completely, the automatically generated related articles feature is a regular problem. PLEASE let us turn off this globally and then turn on when we want to use it!
Lynn Marino
Agree, the auto-related articles included articles that were not "related". I don't know what rules are applied, but in our KB this did not work at all.
El McKenzie
Agree! We would like this option as well.