Segmenting user roles based on categories / Category "Knowledge Owner"
under review
Richard Thompson
Here’s the user story: I need the ability to assign 1 department specific administrator, collaborator, and draft writer to a category. In this example I want to assign 1 person in Marketing as an administrator, another person in Marketing as a draft writer, and another person in Marketing as Collaborator. But I only want them to have that particular job duty (admin, collaborator, draft writer) for that category – in this example Marketing.
But I also need those same people to have viewer capabilities to the entire library
Alex Tramp
I can just copy&paste the comment from Thomas Webb:
I would like to be able to restrict editing of articles by category and user group. All articles should remain publicly viewable, but only HR folks should be able to edit HR content, IT folks IT content, etc.
Would be great! to have this functionality!
Muris Brcaninovic
Merged in a post:
Allow assigning roles by group to a category
Curtis Grice
In order to delegate categories to different teams, we would like to be able to grant publisher to different users on different categories
Muris Brcaninovic
Merged in a post:
Restrict Editing by group for categories
Thomas Webb
I would like to be able to restrict editing of articles by category and user group. All articles should remain publicly viewable, but only HR folks should be able to edit HR content, IT folks IT content, etc.
Emil Hajric
Am I on the right track with this idea?
This is how we'd use it internally at Helpjuice.
Francisco Laferriere
Emil Hajric
Think it as the permission segmentation on wiki js and you'll have something closer.
Muris Brcaninovic
under review
Gagan Kaur
We have faced the similar problem where we want to give edit rights to a certain group for a certain department. But it is not possible for now
Christian de Bellefeuille
We have a similar situation where each user can play different roles in different groups. For example, user A needs to be an internal viewer in group A but is a draft writer in group B and a collaborator in group C. Right now, we would need 3 users for that one person since each user has only one role.
Francisco Laferriere
Any update?
Yoshie Maeda
any update?
Caleb Scharf
any update?
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