Review Process Enhancements
Ivanna Parra
- Once we submit an article for review, we can't remove the review state unless we publish it. This isn't ideal in scenarios where the article was disapproved and we just want to get it out of review and submit it again when it's adjusted. In these cases, we have to publish the article and unpublish it to remove the review state.
- Once the reviewer disapproves the article and the author makes the changes, he can't resubmit it for review. How does the reviewer know they updated it and that they need to review it again?
- Related to those two points, users without the "unlock publish" ability cannot get articles outside of the review state and cannot re-submit them for review. The only approach right now is to add a comment in the article to notify the reviewer that he needs to check it again.
- Review comments aren't saved in the editor. We should have a log of the review rounds with the corresponding comments.
Ivanna Parra
Idea for point 4:
Mike Testuser
Leaving a comment for urgency here too. This is hindering our daily review process as the Dashboard gets more and more "clogged" with out of date reviews.
Ivanna Parra
Another idea:
- Add a Reviewer column in the To Review section so we can easily identify the assigned reviewer of the articles. It would be similar to the Author column which uses a tooltip with the author initials and displays the complete name on hover
Patty Gomez
I second this!
Ivanna Parra
More points for improvement:
- When a reviewer leaves a comment and I answer it, and then I create a new version to request another review, the reviewer cannot see my answer or the comment. It seems the comments stays in the previous version. I need a way to be able to have a back and forth in the comment, so that I can discuss things with the reviewers if necessary.
- There should be a reviewer filter in the To Review section that allows us to locate the articles were we are assigned as a reviewer. At the moment, there's no easy way to know which articles are assigned to us.
Yes please to all of these points!