Create a View for Expired Articles
in progress
Joel Andrews
I really like the article expiration feature, including the reminder emails. But I just had a few articles slip by that date and now I'm having a really hard time figuring out where they are. I really wish there was an Expired Articles view in the Admin panel up where you go to review Published and Draft articles.
Steve Gallagher
This is only useful if using the legacy editor - in reality ability to expire needs to be added to the current editor as it was a very useful function.
Muris Brcaninovic
in progress
Muris Brcaninovic
+ add collaborators into notification list
+ have additional pre-notification before article expires (timeframe between notifications to be a variable)
Josh Manders
This would be great!
Lynn Marino
Muris Brcaninovic yes please!
Muris Brcaninovic In our KB, the author of the article isn't getting notified -only super admins.
Emil Hajric
Muris Brcaninovic
under review
Muris Brcaninovic
Merged in a post:
Export Expired Date in Question file
Loan View
We need to manage the whole list of articles, so it will be nice if we can export the Expired Date field in the Question file.
Muris Brcaninovic
Merged in a post:
Publish and about to expire category
Jason Rojas
When located at the dashboard and in the top left hand corner there are the categories such as published, draft, to be reviewed, etc. Can we have a category labeled "Publish and about to expire" where it will list articles that are about to expire within the next 30 days
Muris Brcaninovic
Merged in a post:
Visually flag articles that have expired in Dashboard & When viewing.
Lynn Marino
Currently we have turned our expiring articles off as we cannot have content not published if there is an article missed. Would like there to be a way to show an article needs review, but remain published. Additionally, being able to pull the article into a report with tags and keywords would go a long way to help with tracking who needs assistance with review of their articles.
Tim Jahn
This is a compliance issue for many of us - we need to prove that we are reviewing our policies at least once a year. Having a place to view expired articles would allow us to make sure we are in compliance.
Michael Scholze
Absolutely this, highly neededed. It could be done with a "Expired" flag that keeps the article published but marks it as "To be Reviewed" in the article planner (or within an extra column that still considers the article as published).
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