Jira Integration
Marcia Moran
It would be great for us!
Emil Hajric
Why would anyone want a JIRA integration with a knowledge base? I can't wrap my head around the usage case..
Pierre Maraninchi
Emil Hajric a couple of use cases
* when you are using JIRA as an incident tracking platform, linking incident to articles could help you follow KCS practices and track reuse)
* improve agent experience (search/consult KB from the incident page)
Itai Neter
Emil Hajric Or when someone asks a question because they didn't RTFM so you can just bring in a link from HJ
Daniel Rotondi
Emil Hajric To track the article feedback. After it is resolved in HJ there is no record of who worked on what or what was changed.
Steve Gallagher
Emil Hajric we currently use the HJ API to push specific fields from Jira to Internal articles for our Technical Support teams. They use the info for confirming customer software bugs and issuing known workarounds while development works on fixes.
Muris Brcaninovic
Daniel Rotondi: We are currently working on improving article feedback page and "history" option is one of the key aspects - would this solve this problem you currently have?
Daniel Rotondi
Muris Brcaninovic That is great, however we use Jira boards extensively and would still appreciate a proper integration. I am constantly copy and pasting back and forth between the two platforms. For new article ideas/ submissions, those get generated internally in Jira, then I have to copy it out to HJ. Regardless of your history enhancement to the article feedback, I will still need to track it in Jira as well for reporting purposes.
Denis Omerovic
Dan Collins
Yep. very useful.